05/2019 Journal contributions

Ullrich, André | Enke, Judith | Teichmann, Malte | Kreß, Antonio | Gronau, Norbert

Audit - and then what? A roadmap for digitization of learning factories Bitte Titel des Beitrags eingeben


Current trends such as digital transformation, Internet of Things, or Industry 4.0 are challenging the majority of learning factories. Regardless of whether a conventional learning factory, a model factory, or a digital learning factory, traditional approaches such as the monotonous execution of specific instructions don`t suffice the learner’s needs, market requirements as well as especially current technological developments. Contemporary teaching environments need a clear strategy, a road to follow for being able to successfully cope with the changes and develop towards digitized learning factories. This demand driven necessity of transformation leads to another obstacle: Assessing the status quo and developing and implementing adequate action plans. Within this paper, details of a maturity-based audit of the hybrid learning factory in the Research and Application Centre Industry 4.0 and a thereof derived roadmap for the digitization of a learning factory are presented.

Category Journal contributions
Authors Ullrich, André; Enke, Judith; Teichmann, Malte; Kreß, Antonio; Gronau, Norbert
Journal Procedia Manufacturing
Date 05/2019
Volume 31
pp. 162 - 168
Publisher Elsevier
DOI 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.03.025
Keywords Audit, Digitization, Learning Factory, Roadmap